Launching a direct attack on BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi alleged him on Sunday for illegally monitoring of a young woman in his state and mocked at the saffron party over not releasing its manifesto for the Lok Sabha polls. He also carried out attack on AAP for running away from the responsibility of running government.
“I saw a poster of BJP which states now women will not face any trouble... They (BJP) claim but they don’t realise how can be women safe when in Gujarat a woman is being spied and her phones are being taped by the state government head itself,” the Gandhi scion addressed to thousands of people in jam-packed New Delhi’s Ambedkar Nagar ground during a Lok Sabha rally .
He said that his party always wanted to pass the women reservation bill in the parliament and each time when matter came into the parliament, the opposition stalled it. “We will pass the bill after when form the government after polls,” he promised to the people.
Attacking BJP over manifesto, he said that his party members consulted and conducted several meeting for last six months so that people’s voice could be included in it. “We have spoken to about five lakh people in its bid to find out what the country wanted and then drafted its manifesto, the BJP while indulging in big talks has failed to come out with its manifesto even when the polling of the first phase was only a day away. BJP feels that whatever one man (Modi) says is enough and there is no need of party manifesto,” he mocked.
Interestingly, he termed Modi as a security guard. He stated the saffron party claims that all the problems of would be solved when single security guard will be given command to run the country. “It is not possible. I want that the country to be run by crores of security guards (people),” he said.
He said that his party accepted the people’s mandate during assembly polls and they realized that the congress leaders had closed their door for the people. “Which will now never happen,” he admitted. But he stated that people selected a debutant AAP and he decided to give them support to from the government and do works of development. “They ran away because they made false promises of providing free electricity and water,” he quips and questioned people whether they got free water of electricity.
As most of the people gathered in the ground were from resettlement colonies and migrants, he attacked Shiv Sena Party, part of NDA, stating that they bashed men and women of Bihar brutally in Mumbai and BJP has aligned with it. “We welcome everyone in Delhi and run government with sense of brotherhood,” he said.
He also cited that Sikhs were beaten and thrown away from Gujarat saying by they are outsiders. “We take everyone along. We do not practise politics of anger but that of mutual affection,” said Rahul appealing people to realize that BJP is playing divisive politics which will damage the country.
He also said that the Congress has planned to make freight corridor connecting all the metropolitan cities and want to make Indian as a manufacturing hub so that of employment can be generated and the country no more have to buy China made products.
“I saw a poster of BJP which states now women will not face any trouble... They (BJP) claim but they don’t realise how can be women safe when in Gujarat a woman is being spied and her phones are being taped by the state government head itself,” the Gandhi scion addressed to thousands of people in jam-packed New Delhi’s Ambedkar Nagar ground during a Lok Sabha rally .
He said that his party always wanted to pass the women reservation bill in the parliament and each time when matter came into the parliament, the opposition stalled it. “We will pass the bill after when form the government after polls,” he promised to the people.
Attacking BJP over manifesto, he said that his party members consulted and conducted several meeting for last six months so that people’s voice could be included in it. “We have spoken to about five lakh people in its bid to find out what the country wanted and then drafted its manifesto, the BJP while indulging in big talks has failed to come out with its manifesto even when the polling of the first phase was only a day away. BJP feels that whatever one man (Modi) says is enough and there is no need of party manifesto,” he mocked.
Interestingly, he termed Modi as a security guard. He stated the saffron party claims that all the problems of would be solved when single security guard will be given command to run the country. “It is not possible. I want that the country to be run by crores of security guards (people),” he said.
He said that his party accepted the people’s mandate during assembly polls and they realized that the congress leaders had closed their door for the people. “Which will now never happen,” he admitted. But he stated that people selected a debutant AAP and he decided to give them support to from the government and do works of development. “They ran away because they made false promises of providing free electricity and water,” he quips and questioned people whether they got free water of electricity.
As most of the people gathered in the ground were from resettlement colonies and migrants, he attacked Shiv Sena Party, part of NDA, stating that they bashed men and women of Bihar brutally in Mumbai and BJP has aligned with it. “We welcome everyone in Delhi and run government with sense of brotherhood,” he said.
He also cited that Sikhs were beaten and thrown away from Gujarat saying by they are outsiders. “We take everyone along. We do not practise politics of anger but that of mutual affection,” said Rahul appealing people to realize that BJP is playing divisive politics which will damage the country.
He also said that the Congress has planned to make freight corridor connecting all the metropolitan cities and want to make Indian as a manufacturing hub so that of employment can be generated and the country no more have to buy China made products.
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